Donnerstag, 1. September 2011

Tag 62 - God bless the Mwanga Club

Endlich können wir uns wieder melden, in der Schule war eine Wochelang die Stromverbindung für die Computer kaputt und gestern wurde sie wieder repariert. Also geht es weiter mit den Berichten über unsere Projekte! :) 

Unser wichtigstes Projekt war das Treffen mit den Sponsored Students. Es gibt ein Programm vom Mwanga Club der Humboldtschule für das sich Schüler der MSS um finanzielle Unterstützung für die Schulgebühren bewerben können. Wir haben in unseren Klassen früher immer einmal im Jahr Geld gesammelt um einem Schüler ein Jahr die Schule finanzieren zu können (400 Euro im Jahr), aber hauptsächlich spenden Privatpersonen. Das Programm ist anonym, alles Geld kommt in einen Topf und wird an die Schüler verteilt, manche werden ganz finanziert, manche nur teilweise. Momentan gibt es in der HUS aber nur 10 Klassen die Geld sammeln, und es war unsere Idee das zu ändern. Wir haben für die Schüler Steckbriefe vorbereitet, die sie überraschend ehrlich und offen ausgefüllt haben. Wir wollen mit diesen Briefen in der HUS wieder mehr Interesse bei den Schülern und Lehrern wecken, denn wie wir erfahren haben brauchen die Schüler diese Unterstützung dringend!

Hier ein Steckbrief als Beispiel: (die Fehler sind absichtlich nicht verbessert)

Name: My name is Valence.

Age: I have twenty years old.

Where do you and your family live?

We live in Moshi Rural district in Kilimanjaro Region.

Please tell us about your family!

It`s true that my family is among of the poorest family in rural Moshi at Kilimanjaro region. This is because my parents had no work or job, that`s why they failed to send me to school when I was started in Secondary level. My parents both of them they lived at Moshi rural district, which is among of the district in Kilimanjaro region. Our family is comprived with eight children, four brothers and four sisters and it is only one child who is educated, the rest are illiteracy, this is because of poorest of my parents and I am the last child in my family.

What would you like to do after finishing school?

After finishing school I would like to any activities which would help me to help my family and to find more friends especially in German who will encourage me in one way ore another to help my family.

What is your favourite music style or artist?

My favourite music style is Bongo flava.

What do you like about Mwanga Secondary School?

According to what I like in Mwanga Secondary School is the unit and solidarity between teachers and the students.

What would you like to improve about MSS?

In case of improving my school (Mwanga Secondary School) I should do the following

-          By studying hard in order to achieve a good performance in my national exam for the aiming of advertizing my school in national world

-          To encourage unit among the students and teachers

What do you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time I like to play football and to chat with my friends wo are out of Mwanga Secondary by using Internet.

How did you find out about the Sponsored Students Programme at MSS?

The students sponsored programme at Mwanga Secondary actually is good because they help students whose’s parents failed to pay school fees. Those students get education like other students without any kind of problem about school fees.

Not only that, but also to our partnership also encourage me to study hard by giving moral materials such as different books to Mwanga Secondary school which encourage us to study hard.

Finally I would like to thank our sponsorship because they play a big role in my life for giving a chance to study. God bless the Mwanga Club!

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